Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Managing and Problem Solving

"An Engineer is someone who can do for a dollar what any damn fool can do for ten!"

When facing a crisis

1) Identify the problem (really identify it; define it, write it down)
2) Focus all attention on it
3) Solve it
4) Then leave it alone (don't "tinker" with it)

Real objectives

1) What's the objective?
2) Is it profitable?
3) Is it clear?
4) Is the proposition attainable and practical?
5) Is the anticipated result measurable?
6) Do you have the facts - all the facts?
7) Are they reliable?
8) What are the options?
9) Have other options been thoroughly considered?
10) What would happen if you did nothing?

The Engineering Approach

1) Define the problem
2) Use fundamentals to analyze and understand it
3) Determine and evaluate possible solutions
4) Implement the best
5) Repeat steps if possible gain seems worth the cost in time and effort

Four Aspects of Project Management

1) The work to be done
2) The resources available to do it
3) Timescale in which to complete the work
4) Finance available to fund it

Cost Effectiveness

Doing the best you can with the money you have


Doing the best you can with the time you have